Family Website Designing
Family Website - Family tree
Want to Keep Your Family Connected? Contact Winsoft Solutions For Designing your family Website
Family Directory Search up your family member’s address very fast and you can start sharing family contacts right away! It is simple to invite everyone in your family for your events. In family Directory List view And Detail view can be possible. Relatives can get detailed prints of all addresses in

Family Contacts
If family members moved to any other place they can simply login to the website and update their address, it can be accessed only by the members in your site so it will be private and secure. On your website you can also find address, education details,work details of any members it makes easy to connect and share contacts with family around the world.
Family History
Keep your family’s legacy alive with a rich set of values & ancestor history.Use your Family History section, and make sure your children know their own history. Preserve the story of your family’s origins all of which are saved,shared and passed on to future generations. Photos can be added and videos can be Linked,giving you the facility to build a fantastic, in-depth database for your family to be proud of.
We Winsoft Solutions Offers You, A social website that puts families and privacy first. You decide who can join and participate in your family group
Family tree
Like a branch on a tree, You all grow in Different directions, Yet Your Roots Remain as One. A family tree, or pedigree chart, is a chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure
Family News
Family News can be announce in your family site,Every member can share the news like birth,death,events etc. Invitations for marriage,parties etc. can be published.
Your photos can be stored for years to come. Viewable for you and your family only. Safe & Secure To Share keeps all of your family memories safe and secure.
Search options
You can Search family Members by :
Search By Gender, Search By Profession, Search By Status, Search By Blood Group
Planning A Family Reunion (Kudumbayogam)

Key to a successful family reunion is the ability to communicate effectively with your family members. The information maintained in the events and calendaring will help you to remain the date. The details of the officials like President, Secretary, Kudumbayogam committee members etc of your ‘Kudumbayogam’ will be available to you from ‘kudumbayogam officials’ section of your site. so you can get them easily.
Share Privately
A social website that puts families and privacy first. You decide who can join and participate in your family group.
Keep an online family calendar to remember Marriage, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Death anniversaries, plan reunions and other family events.